- Navigating the Interstitial Space of Design and Ethics for Healthcare In December, 2014, the Health Design Lab submitted a “blanket” Ethics Application to Emily Carr’s Research Ethics Board (reb) in order to summarize and explain our overall methodology. The goal of this application was streamlining the ethics application process for projects the Lab manages that are very similar in methodology. The following text excerpts some […]
- Stay Safe: healthcare service design Emily Carr University of Art + Design has engaged in designing for complex problems in healthcare for many years, and recently formed a specific research area, the Health Design Lab, to gather a range of initiatives together into one centre. One of the lab’s partners is Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH), a publicly funded regional health […]
- Youth in Transition A 3rd year communication design class considered the problem of youth with chronic illness transitioning from child-centred to adult-centred healthcare. Current systems have focused on paper or web-based education and information recording, but compliance rates are low. In conjunction with the British Columbia Children’s Hospital the class conducted primary and secondary research and proposed solutions. […]